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Social Networking

The fashion for fake brackets

The fashion for fake brackets

Nowadays, our society is highly influenced by social networks, especially the younger ones who spend hours and hours in front of their tablet or mobile phone watching videos on different platforms. This can cause big problems as they can see and believe different claims or experiments and try them for themselves.

One of the new fads circulating on the net is "aesthetic" braces, which are actually home-made dental appliances (so to speak) that will only harm our oral health.

What are the consequences of wearing false braces?

Many of us may think it is silly or child's play, but the reality is that we must put an end to this fad as soon as possible, otherwise it can have dire consequences for many children.

This type of home braces can cause different oral diseases such as: gingivitis and periodontitis, tooth decay, tooth decalcification and, in the most serious cases, the loss of teeth.

One of the main problems with these homemade brackets are the materials used to make them, the most harmful to our oral health is the adhesive. In professional orthodontic treatments we use a special resin to make the brackets stick to the teeth, but in the tutorials on how to make home braces they use extra strong contact glue. This can cause chemical burns in the patient's mouth and, in addition, when it is removed, several layers of enamel will come off causing increased tooth sensitivity.

When we talk about health we should always turn to professionals in the field so that they can plan an appropriate treatment for our situation. If we rely on online tutorials or false myths, we may suffer consequences such as those mentioned above.

If you need orthodontics, don't look for more tutorials, contact us and we will inform you without obligation, make your appointment here!

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