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What are micro-implants used for in orthodontics?

What are micro-implants used for in orthodontics?

During an orthodontic process, it is very common for dentists to use tools that speed up the process and are essential to achieve the desired result. In this case we are going to talk about micro-implants.

Our orthodontic experts in Tarragona explain what they are and how to care for them.

What are micro-implants?

Micro-implants or micro-screws are small titanium attachments that are temporarily placed in the gum during orthodontic treatment. They are tiny in size, but serve to support the professionals in carrying out different movements on the teeth. Without this technique it would not be possible to treat certain complex cases.

The procedure to place the micro-implants is very simple. The dentist applies local anaesthesia to the area to prevent the patient from feeling pain and the screw is in position in just a few minutes. The patient will not feel pain during the process, but may feel some discomfort in the following days, although he or she will be able to lead a normal life without any problems.

When the desired results have been achieved, the orthodontist removes them in a simple procedure.

How are micro-implants cared for?

They require the same hygiene as other dental appliances. To prevent tartar build-up, it is advisable to use mouthwashes and interproximal brushes that effectively remove food debris. During visits to our dentists in Tarragona and Salou, we will ensure that hygiene is correct.

Finally, many patients have doubts about how long they have to wear them or whether they are visible. As for how long the patient will have to wear the micro-implants, it usually ranges from 8 to 12 months, but it depends on each case.

As to whether they are visible, they are placed higher than the smile arch and in posterior areas of the oral cavity, so they are not visible when speaking.

If you have any further questions about this technique or about our orthodontic service in Tarragona, please contact us without obligation. We look forward to hearing from you!

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