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Disadvantages of mouth breathing

Disadvantages of mouth breathing

Disadvantages of mouth breathing

Would you be able to tell if you perform mouth breathing? In most cases this act is unconscious; in other cases it is due to a deviated septum or obstruction of the nasal passages.

For one reason or another, maintaining the habit of breathing through the mouth can end up having repercussions on a person's general and oral health, triggering a series of consequences that could be irreversible. Unleashing a series of consequences that could be irreversible. Discover them below!

Direct consequences of mouth breathing

General health:

When breathing through the mouth, the oxygen level is lower than that introduced through the nose. A lack of oxygen can lead not only to future organ problems, but also to concentration problems, lack of coordination or constant migraines.

Another determining factor is that, in the absence of a filter, the air breathed cannot be heated and humidified, so the risk of respiratory infections increases.

Oral health:

The complete closure of the oral cavity will cause an increase in oral dryness, increasing the imbalance of salivary production and its corresponding pH. In this situation, the propensity to suffer from caries or gum disease increases, as saliva is essential to fight harmful bacteria.


The abnormal development of this structure will make the dental arches much narrower due to the act of opening the mouth to breathe.

In addition, there could also be an incorrect formation of the palate (affecting the swallowing of food) due to the lowering of the tongue in the oral cavity. The lips, specifically the upper lip, would be affected by hypotonia or lack of lip muscle tone.

What should be done?

Once the breathing alteration is noticeable, a professional specialized in Otorhinolaryngology should be consulted to perform a complete study and find the ideal solution. If the damage occurs in the oral-facial structure, the malocclusion may need to be corrected through orthodontic treatment.

At Drs. Moreno-Montalvo Dental Clinic we encourage you to make a preventive visit every six months. Early detection will allow you to correct any oral problems in time. Don't let it pass you by!

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