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Tips for long-lasting teeth whitening

Tips for long-lasting teeth whitening

It doesn't matter if Valentine's Day is behind us, because it's always a good time to go for yourself and make every day a special occasion, isn't it? Without a doubt, one of the best ways to regain your confidence when it comes to smiling is to undergo teeth whitening. This treatment not only allows us to lighten the shade of our teeth and recover their original white, but also to remove surface stains and even protect the dentition from future infections.

You couldn't resist and have recently opted for this treatment? Great news! As experts in Dental Aesthetic treatments in Tarragona and Salou, we want to give you some tips so that the whitening effect lasts longer and you can continue to show off your smile for more than 1 year. Take note!

How do I care for my teeth after treatment?

As with any dental treatment, it is essential to maintain good dental hygiene after whitening:

  • Good brushing is very important to prevent food debris from staining, so you should brush your teeth for two to three minutes after each meal.
  • Flossing also helps to keep food debris out of our teeth. Although its use is recommended several times a day, remember to use it at least after brushing at night.
  • Mouthwash helps to kill bacteria that may remain on our gums or tongue, promoting oral hygiene.
  • The use of fluoride toothpaste strengthens and remineralises tooth enamel - remember there is no substitute!

What foods and habits should I avoid?

Although it is not always easy to control the food and drink we consume, we recommend that you keep the following tips in mind:

  • It is important not to overindulge in dark foods such as coffee or red wine, as these foods cause a yellowish t inge to the teeth.
  • Foods with high levels of sugars or colourings, such as sweets or curry, also promote enamel darkening.
  • Acidic fruits such as oranges and kiwis should be limited, and also, red fruits such as raspberries and blackberries, because of their high level of colouring.
  • As well as being very harmful to your general health, smoking is one of the main causes of stained teeth

If you follow these tips, your smile will dazzle for a long time! If you have any questions about Dental Aesthetics in Tarragona and Salou, please contact us. It will be a pleasure to help you!

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