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Is your child's smile ready for back to school?

Is your child's smile ready for back to school?

September is not the same for adults as it is for children, as for them, it's synonymous with a new school year!

It's a time of nerves and new beginnings for your child, so it's common to put aside other concerns, such as oral health. However, it is essential to find time to recover healthy habits and focus on their oral wellbeing, as some diseases, such as tooth decay, can develop silently and painlessly.

At Clínica Dental Drs. Moreno-Montalvo, we are always concerned about your children's oral health and, thanks to our paediatric dentistry service in Tarragona, we can help them achieve the healthy and strong smile they deserve.

To do this, we tell you the keys to taking care of your mouth and preparing your smile for the new school year. Let's get to it!

Caries in baby teeth

Did you know that caries affects 31% of children under the age of 6? It accounts for almost a third of children and, even so, 46% of parents think that their children do not have any oral or dental problems. That is why between 80 and 90% of them do not receive the necessary treatment to solve it.

Taking care of children's teeth is essential for good oral development and, even if they still have baby teeth, it is important to keep them healthy, as they play a fundamental role:

  • They make it easier for the permanent teeth to erupt properly aligned.
  • They are a key stage in facilitating the process of speech, articulation and chewing.

Tips for caring for your children's smiles

With school back in session, you can teach your child to take care of their oral health, as their mind is more focused on overcoming new challenges. The following three tips will help you keep your child's mouth clean, so stay tuned!

  1. Set a schedule: morning and evening toothbrushing are essential, so we recommend that you always do them at the same time. In this way, you will help them to create a habit that they can even do automatically.
  2. Family routine: Children are great imitators of what they see, so why not learn oral hygiene habits as a family? We can brush our teeth together with them, so we can make sure the technique and timing is right. Plus, it's a great way to share moments together!
  3. Use fluoride products, as they remineralise enamel and help prevent tooth decay.
  4. Visits to the paediatric dentist: we recommend that you take your child for a check-up as soon as the first baby teeth appear, as this will help to prevent future pathologies or infections.

Don't wait until the school year is over and bring your little one to our clinic! Taking care of their smile from an early age is essential for them to continue smiling as adults. Contact us and we will welcome you with open arms.

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