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In which cases are dentures recommended and in which implants?

In which cases are dentures recommended and in which implants?

Dentistry today offers a wide range of possibilities for restoring a smile after the loss of one or more teeth.

However, it is not always easy for us to know which method is the most suitable for us. In general, at Clínica Dental Drs. Moreno-Montalvo, your dental clinic in Tarragona and Salou, we believe that the combination of implants, responsible for anchoring them to the bone, and prostheses is the most effective way to restore your smile. We are going to go through, step by step, what each of these methods consists of and in which cases they are most recommendable.

Advantages of dental implants

These are artificial pieces created in the image and likeness of natural teeth. They are fixed to the gum bone and, on this very firm support, the dental prostheses or crowns are placed, the visible part that imitates the tooth with great aesthetic finishes.

Made of titanium, implants are biocompatible, one of their great advantages as they are perfectly accepted by the body. Due to their effectiveness and durability, dental implants are the preferred option when it comes to replacing a missing tooth. However, this treatment cannot always be chosen, especially when the patient does not have sufficient jawbone. In these cases, the option of a bone graft or the placement of a prosthesisis an option.

Advantages of dentures

Before deciding whether the best option is an implant or a dental prosthesis, we must know what types exist.

Fixed prostheses are cemented onto teeth and implants; bridges, with a lesser degree of attachment and suitable in situations where it is necessary to replace more than one tooth, are supported on the adjacent teeth. Crowns, on the other hand, are ideal for the replacement of a fractured tooth or a tooth in poor condition that needs to be reconstructed. Finally, removable prostheses, seated on the oral mucosa, are perfect in cases where the patient does not have enough maxillary bone to undergo dental implant surgery.

Dental prostheses, although they offer less durability, effectiveness and resistance than implants, are equivalent, in most cases, in terms of aesthetic finish and are more economical.

To solve all your doubts and receive a personalised assessment of the treatment that best suits you, we recommend that you contact your dentist in Tarragona and Salou. We will guide you personally!

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