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How does Christmas food affect your oral health?

How does Christmas food affect your oral health?

Christmas is the time of year when we neglect our diet the most and, without a doubt, our mouth tends to suffer many of the consequences.

As experts in oral health in Tarragona, we want to warn you about the harmful effects that overindulging in nougat, marzipan and, in short, all those delicacies that we gorge ourselves on during the festive season can have on you . However, not everything we have to tell you about today is bad and harmful for your oral health, as there are also foods typical of this season that can cause the opposite effect. Let's take it one by one!

What foods should you limit this Christmas?

Before blaming it on food, what is really dangerous and what threatens our oral health is neglecting our hygiene because we are away from home. If we manage to perform proper oral hygiene after every meal, the risk is reduced.

However, take a look at the list and try not to overindulge in these foods, as your stomach will thank you for it too:

  • Sweets and candies. Too much sugar increases the likelihood of tooth decay and tooth sensitivity.
  • Carbonated drinks. Carbonated drinks usually contain, in addition to sugars, high amounts of acids that wear down the enamel of our teeth.
  • Red wine. The acidity of red wine, together with its high tannin content and chromogenic compounds, can cause stains to appear on the teeth.
  • Coffee. If drunk in large quantities, it can yellow your teeth as well as damage tooth enamel because of its acidic appearance.

What foods are allies for your mouth during the holidays?

We know it's hard to say no to a piece of nougat and that glass of red wine at Christmas dinner always looks good. That's why we've got good news for you: you can make up for the excesses of the festive season with this list of other foods.

  • Milk. In general, dairy products such as cheese or yoghurts help to reduce acidity levels after eating sweets and strengthen teeth.
  • Vegetables. Especially if eaten raw or undercooked, they help to clean the mouth, as they promote the production of saliva. Mushrooms or broccoli are excellent choices at this time of year.
  • Chestnuts. They are a source of calcium, phosphorus and magnesium. Three elements that keep the bone structures that support the teeth strong.

Remember that this last list of foods is not a substitute for any treatment. If you feel any discomfort during the holidays, you can make an appointment at our clinic to avoid more serious pathologies, we will be happy to help you!

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