Sant Pere Sant Pau
  • 09H - 13H // 16H - 20H
  • Salou : 977 384 890
  • Sant Pere : 977 200 500
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Hyaluronic acid in Salou and Tarragona.
Some uses of hyaluronic acid!

El ácido hialurónico es una sustancia natural y versátil que tiene múltiples beneficios en la estética facial, desde el relleno de arrugas y líneas de expresión hasta...

Beware of miracle diets!

Miracle diets are not advisable from any point of view and of course, they are not recommended for your oral health either. In fact, in our...

Stress and oral health
How does stress affect our oral health?

It is common knowledge that stress affects our body in many ways: blood pressure, hives, sweating our organism: blood pressure, hives, sweating, lack of appetite, anxiety... it is not good for us! appetite, anxiety... it doesn't do any good! But...


What are the benefits of hyaluronic acid treatments? LIFT lip contours to improve definition and profile REDEFINE the nasolabial folds FILL wrinkles...